Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Top 10 Ways to a Flatter Stomach

10. Walk: Find ways to walk more often throughout the day. Examples; when you go to store, park further away from the store so you can walk longer. Instead of taking the elevator, walk up or down the stairs. Take breaks during work to walk around the office hallway or you can just stretch by your desk. Take brisk walks after dinner with your family, friends, or dogs.

9. Green Tea: Drinking 1 cup a day can burn extra 30 calories. Try to drink 2-3 cups a day.

8. Water: Instead of drinking sodas, juice, or beer, try drinking water instead. You'll save yourself the extra 30-40 grams of sugar. Try to drink at least 1 gallon of water a day.

7. Sports: Try to fit more sport activities into your week. Golfing, tag football with friends, aerobic classes at the gym, yoga classes, martial arts, swimming, or anything active you enjoy doing.

6. Proteins: When you're working out, your body is going to need more protein in order to repair and build stronger muscles. Your best protein source can come from fish, lean red meat, chicken, eggs, beans, tofu, fat-free milk, low-fat cheese, turkey, nuts, natural peanut butter, and whey protein powder or bars. I know there's more but these are the ones I think are the best protein source. Physically active females should aim for .5-.8g of protein per body weight. Physically active males should try to get 1g of protein per body weight.

5. Fruits and Veggies: I consider fruits and vegetables free carbs, which ones I can eat these all I want throughout the day and not have to worry about counting carbs or calories. Not only do I enjoy eating them but they are good for you with full of vitamins and minerals. They also help your cravings and make you feel fuller so you don't binge on other things you shouldn't be eating. Aim for 5-8 servings a day. And remember to cut out all your carbs 6 hrs before your bedtime.

4. Planning: This is just as important if you want to reach your goals of having a nice abs. You have to plan everything ahead of time to keep you on your schedule. It is best to plan all your meals and your workouts ahead of time. I always know exactly what I'm going to eating tomorrow and I always cook all my meals the day before so I will have all my meals ready to go in the morning. This helps me not miss a meal and keeps me on track.

3. Portion Control: The best method that worked for me without having to measure all my food is using my fist to measure my food portion. Whenever I'm not too sure I just imagine it the same size as my fist. You can use the fist method for your protein and carbs. I dont measure my fruits or vegetables. Also make sure you eat every 3-4 hrs. If you are hungry before 3 hrs, it means you're not eating enough and if you don't get hungry after 3-4 hrs, it means your enough too much.

2. Cardio: This will always help burn extra calories and also good for your cardiovascular system. 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes at no more than 70% intensity is all you need if your a beginner or 4-5 times a week for no more than 30-45 minutes if you think you're advance. But no more than 5 days a week of cardio. And remember always check with your doctor before participating in any physical activities if you are a smoker, take any kind of medications, or over the age of 45.

1. Weight Training: I believe this is the most important thing you can do to burn calories and to get your abs. Why? Because weight training burns more calories than anything you can do. Not only will you have bigger and stronger muscles but the more muscles your body have the more calories it can burn. That means you can burn calories all day long while you're watching t.v., driving to work, and even sleeping!
I recommend training 2-3 times a week if your a beginner( having less than 1 year of consistent experience in weight training). No more than 20-30 minutes a session. Intermediate( over 1 year of consistent experience in weight training), 3-4 times a week for 30-45 mins a week. Advance( over 3 yrs of consistent experience in weight training), 4-5 times a week for 1 hour -1 and half hrs. Train abs 2-3 times a week every other day. Training recommendations and training split coming soon!

So here is my top 10 things that will get you a wash board abs. It might sound like a lot of work but if you make it into a habit and your lifestyle, I guarantee you'll ove the new you!

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