Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Top 5 Gym Etiquettes

5. Not putting your weights back: I don't know how many times I had to help some old ladies take the weights off the rack or machine cause some A-hole thinks he's a real man that he leaves all the plates on the machine or rack for others to remove.

4. Hogging up the machine or bench: You don't need to sit on that particular exercise machine or bench doing thousands of sets or for you to sit there and talk on your cell phone all day. Do what you got to do and move on so others can use it too!

3. Dressing inappropriately: Ok, this I thought wouldn't bother me so much cause usually I have my ipod on and don't pay any attention to what's going on cause I'm so focused, but lately I see so many men and ladies wearing things they just shouldn't wear. I see men wearing tight spandex shorts with their guts hanging over and legs so hairy you think they're wearing fur pants. And ladies be wearing these tiny tube tops where you could see all the rolls on their guts and with matching spandex pants so tight you could see the stretch marks on them. We don't need to see those ppl! I know most of you think we should be able to wear what we want but in the gym it's hard to avoid them in a small place where you have to be for at least an hour and it's so distracting!

2. Bad Odor: Don't you just hate it when your on the cardio machine, just sweating away, feeling good, and then all of sudden your nose starts to burn? You then look next to you and it's the Swamp Thing jogging with body odor so bad that makes you want to throw up and pass out! Deodorant is your friend!!!

1. Not cleaning after yourself!: How hard is it for some of you to clean up your own sweat after you use an equipment? Touching someone's sweat or lying on someone else's sweat puddle is not my idea of a pleasant workout. In fact, it could put a damper on the rest of your workout. Please clean after yourself regardless if you sweat a lot or none at all. Don't be lazy, this is not your home, your mommys not always gonna be with you. That is why I always carry a towel with me at the gym.

I'm sure some of you have done one or more of the things on the list. It's ok, we all make mistakes or not aware of the things that we do. As long as we realize it and start changing our ways.

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